Tuesday, June 14, 2011

I am so proud of My Lil Man!

 When Bowden turned 2 he showed intrest in the potty and would sit on it every once in a while, Slowly we encouraged him to use it more often! To reward him for going on the potty we gave him M&M's...and who doesn't want chocolate? So I made a jar for his potty treats that sits on our counter to remind him he can get M&M's if he uses the BIG potty!

Our pool opened up Memorial Day weekend I refused to buy little swimmers(I do not think they really do the job and I did not wanna spend the money). So we put Bowden in his bathing suit and told him "if you have to go potty you tell us,  and no going potty in the pool!" He caught on so quickly! There were a few times Slade or I were in the bathroom with him 4 or 5 times in a hour but never once did he pee in the pool(to our knowledge)
Big boy at the pool!
 We have gone through 2 big bags of M&M's since that weekend.

Every time Bowden finishes on the potty he runs out to his jar and says "I get those"
Caught Bowden on the potty....Just like a Man sitting on his throne reading a car magazine!
 Today was our first day of leaving the house without a diaper and in BIG boy (Mater) underwear. We were out for about 2 hours and twice he told me he had to go potty and thankfully both times we were near the bathroom. We made it home with no accidents. When we walked through the door he wanted to take off his clothes and just wear his big boy underwear.
Showing his big boy muscles!  

And he also got rewarded with his M&M's!
I am so proud of my lil man! He is growing up way to fast!!!!

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